Are you confident in your approach to the oversight of your defined contribution (DC) plan? The economic outlook is uncertain, and the regulatory landscape is shifting. Now more than ever, it is important to ensure your workplace defined contribution and savings plans are on solid ground.


This short diagnostic will start you in the right direction. Take our no-obligation diagnostic and receive an immediate and personalized plan governance profile. Our analysis provides actionable, objective insight for you and your team to create a roadmap that addresses:


  • Finding time for big picture planning
  • Redefining employee financial wellness goals and success measures
  • Delivering more value to all your plan members


Answer six short questions to get started with your plan governance profile.

All questions are applicable to workplace Defined Contribution Pension and savings plans (DC plans), including Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), Non-Registered and Deferred Profit Sharing (DPSP) programs.

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