The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, and these changes have permeated every aspect of business. Understanding and planning for what the “new normal” will look like as we continue to transition forward requires a long-term focus. Organizations need to invest and prioritize business and talent elements that will enable flexibility while equipping managers to lead effectively and to inspire new ways of working. Evolving the employee value proposition, including digital solutions will be critical to retaining and engaging talent and sustaining business performance. The opportunity to evaluate and optimize costs, reimagine the employee experience, and effectively plan the workforce for tomorrow is now.


Taking action: a Canadian view

Where are Canadian employees?

Returning to the workplace will not be universal

Management is preparing for continued change

Advancing the employee experience

 Two thirds of Canadian organizations are looking to enhance the employee experience by evolving specific elements to improve retention.

Top priorities to evolve include:


Flexi- work (flexible work arrangements)


Mental/Wellness programs


Digital Wellness and solutions


Wellness/Health spending account


Financial Wellness

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