The Future of Healthcare: A New Employment Contract

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Not long ago, there were negative connotations associated with contingent workers.

That’s no longer the case. There are currently 1.8 million workers in Canada with temporary employment contracts, making the contingent workforce a reality—right here, right now. Free-agents today are highly skilled, talented, and proactively choosing this lifestyle and career choice. Younger workers are leading the way toward the free-agent workforce as business necessity and the economic transformation to a knowledge-based economy are moving this trend further forward.

As an employer, you have to consider the implications this dynamic shift will have on your workforce affecting:

Will you move away from traditional employer provided benefits to minimize risk? Will you change your compensation strategy to account for increasingly skilled free-agents? How will your talent sourcing strategy evolve with these changes in the Canadian workforce? You will have to ask yourself many tough questions in the wake of this workforce revolution. How you respond to coming changes will make or break your business’ talent management success in the future.

Though this shift comes with significant advantages and opportunities, it also comes with unique risks as well. Change can be tough, but it can also pave your path to success in the future, if you do it right. Don’t wait — now’s the time to become change agile, better understand your workforce, and proactively manage your employment contract risks and costs.

With our whitepaper on the new employment contract, you’ll have the insights you need to better manage the contingent workforce.

Download our whitepaper


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