The Future of Healthcare: Personalized Medicine

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Though the healthcare industry has been relatively static in the past several decades, there’s no doubt big changes are coming soon, thanks to advancements in medical technology. It sounds futuristic, but it’s not as far off as you might think. Personalized medicine, in fact, is one of the unprecedented disruptions in the healthcare industry we expect to occur by the year 2025.

What are we talking about, exactly? Personalized medicine, and specifically pharmacogenetics, can improve patient outcomes by ensuring people receive the right drug therapies the first time around, based on their specific genetic make-up.

Personalized medicine presents the possibility of incredible benefits to patients, but the advantages also extend to business. It could improve your employees’ health, cut down on absenteeism, and help you reduce the cost of employer provided benefits. Sounds great, right? We bet you want to learn more.

Personalized medicine is a form of healthcare that uses information about a person’s genes, lifestyle and environment for disease treatment and prevention.
– US National Institutes of Health  

In this whitepaper, you’ll discover what personalized medicine is all about, how it works, why we need it, and how you can take advantage of the new opportunities it will bring to your business.

Make tomorrow today—don’t wait until you’re behind the curve. This unprecedented transformation for employer provided healthcare industry is going to require you to better understand your workforce, take a proactive approach to managing cost/risk, determine how best to leverage new technology, and more. Change can be scary, but with the right knowledge, you can be prepared to face new disruptions head on. Start by gaining the knowledge you need through Mercer’s predictions on personalized medicine and its impact on the future of healthcare and business.

Download our Whitepaper


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