The coronavirus pandemic is a defining moment in both an employee’s career and life journeys. Unscripted events, like the coronavirus crisis, are what illustrate a company’s core values — and you can be sure both your employees and your customers will be watching your actions very closely.  Our research shows that 9 out of 10 employees are concerned about the current crisis but are so far happy with the response of their companies and managers.

How businesses continue to adapt the employee experience to the changing situation will have a lasting impact on their ability to attract new talent and enhance employee engagement. Mercer has identified four steps to help demonstrate your core values and reaffirm your commitment to your workforce:


  • Lead with empathy through listening
  • Address fundamental human needs
  • Communicate, connect repeat
  • Tailor your response to your audience

Employee experience is not about perks — it’s a mindset shift that puts your people at the heart of what you do. This is not only important in a prosperous, employee-led economy, but also during times of crisis or economic stress.


The world is watching how companies are responding today, and that response will have lasting implications on employee behavior. Explore our whitepaper on strategies to balance empathy and economics in order to develop your workforce for the future.

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