Organizational Success Through Individual Wellbeing - The Future of Healthcare 2019

The health of the Canadian workforce continues to deteriorate and employer healthcare costs continue to rise as a result. We addressed the complexities of this issue at this year’s The Future of Healthcare event. Our latest research explores the top health issues impacting employee wellbeing and the digital healthcare innovation that is changing the way organizations deliver employee health benefits. Download the executive summary now.

1 in 5 workers will experience a mental illness. Read more about the impact on productivity and employee benefits costs.

Review the Highlights

One of the leading challenges we hear from employers is managing benefits costs. It is difficult to pay for everything for everyone when it comes to providing relevant benefits—especially with employees seeking more personalized options and flexible benefits.

Can you afford to invest in employee health benefits that work for individual employees? If your employee benefits are too difficult to access or understand, they’re not serving you or your employees well. That means you’re already paying for the negative impacts of poor employee health—in rising claims costs, lost time, and lost productivity.

The good news is you can do something to improve workplace health and manage costs. Discover how to transform your organization’s approach to employee wellbeing and deliver improved employee engagement, performance and overall satisfaction at work.

4 things you need to know:

  1. Understand the true cost of poor employee health on your organization
  2. How to identify the leading health issues driving up employer healthcare costs
  3. Learn how a total health management approach can improve employee wellbeing
  4. Discover Mercer 365™, our digital portal that can simplify how you deliver employee benefits


Request a Mercer 365™ demo—your digital platform for improving employee wellbeing and simplifying benefits management.

Contact a Mercer Consultant Today.
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