With increasing uncertainty around the impact of COVID-19 on businesses, people and economies, we’ve been monitoring the situation closely. I want you to know that protecting the health and safety of our colleagues and local communities, as well as our ability to meet your business needs without disruption, remain our top priorities.


In response to COVID-19, we have made adjustments to continue our work for you while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues, clients and community members.


Supporting the health and wellbeing of our colleagues and clients:


  • We implemented remote working for all colleagues in Canada, with exceptions only for critical on-site roles.
  • We suspended all domestic and international business travel. These restrictions will remain in place until further notice.
  • We are conducting all employee and client meetings virtually.

Rest assured we are still working hard for you – just differently than we were before.

Supporting our clients and the colleagues you employ:


To help you navigate these uncertain times, we are sharing our expertise and insights with you, free of charge.


  • We are updating our Coronavirus microsite regularly with our latest thought leadership and guidance.
  • We’ll be hosting regular webinars to help you make the best decisions for your people and investments.
  • We’ve started a live online survey to take the pulse of organizations, as we know that many firms are interested in how others are acting to support Canadians at this time. Results are available in real-time.

For the last 75 years, Mercer Canada has built its reputation by delivering advice and services to organizations. We are working closely with our clients to help tackle the new realities of:


  • Managing the risks and costs of compensation and benefit programs, including treatment of leaves
  • Dealing with market volatility
  • Ensuring employees have proper health coverage
  • Keeping a right-sized employee population engaged and productive as working arrangements evolve

More information about our robust business resiliency practices are available from your Mercer consultant. You can access information, as well as other Mercer and Marsh & McLennan insights on managing through the business impact of COVID-19, here.

Supporting our local communities:


We also know that these challenging times will severely impact our most vulnerable community members. We are looking at ways to provide additional support to the community partnerships that our employees value the most.


The COVID-19 situation is dynamic and changing every day. Our leadership team continues to monitor the situation and make decisions in conjunction with our Business Resiliency Management Group and Health and Life Safety Committee, and in alignment with public health authorities, including the WHO, and guidance from federal, provincial and local governments.


By working together to overcome these difficult times, I know we will emerge stronger and more connected than ever before.


Thank you for your partnership. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Mercer consultant or me.


I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.


Jaqui Parchment
Chief Executive Officer, Mercer Canada

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