Take Part in the 2019 Global Talent Trends Study

We invite you to share your views on the workforce challenges and opportunities facing your organization. The 2019 Study will explore the top human capital risks on the C-suite agenda, how talent programs help to address these risks, and what really makes a difference to employees. Lend your voice by taking the short survey today.





C-Suite Executives
HR Leaders


Unlocking Human Potential in the Digital Age

This year’s study gathered input from 800 business executives, 1,800 HR professionals, and 5,000+ employees from 21 industries and 44 countries around the world. From these 7,600+ voices, we heard a very clear message – 2018 is a Year of Action. Organizations are accelerating their transformation efforts as they prepare for the Future of Work, and the importance of putting people at the heart of change makes HR pivotal to these efforts.

About This Year’s Top Workforce Trends



As companies reimagine the future of work, they must bring an understanding of how the workforce is changing and be careful not to neglect the human operating system that powers their organizations. In pursuit of new technologies, it is easy to lose sight of how people connect and collaborate (and as importantly, when they want to disconnect), how teams co-create, what motivates different segments of the workforce, and how they experience a sense of well-being and purpose through work.


These are the top talent trends as organizations and hr seek to unlock growth in the Human Age:


  • The ability to change, and change at speed, is emerging as a differentiating organizational competency.
  • Embedding a higher sense of purpose into the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) unlocks individual potential and spurs people to be change agents.
  • Flexibility isn’t just about working wherever/whenever; it’s also about rethinking what work is done, how it is done, and by whom.
  • Organizations are becoming smart platforms for matching skill supply with work demand while maximizing human creativity and ambition.
  • The ability to unlock growth in the human age will rely on how digital technologies can augment the human work experience.


Take Part in the 2019 Global Talent Trends Study

We invite you to share your views on the workforce challenges and opportunities facing your organization. The 2019 Study will explore the top human capital risks on the C-suite agenda, how talent programs help to address these risks, and what really makes a difference to employees. Lend your voice by taking the short survey today.





C-Suite Executives
HR Leaders

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View the Webcast to Learn More

Explore the top trends from this year’s study and learn how leading organizations are preparing to deliver the workforce for the future. In this live session, Mercer experts from around the world will share global and regional findings, as well as provide practical advice on what employers can do today.