Mercer’s research, conducted in partnership with Human Capital Media Advisory Group, explores the views of HR executives on current practices around career frameworks. The global study of 1,800 executives from more than 100 countries — including Canada — examined organizations’ plans for existing frameworks, identified key reasons companies use career frameworks, and highlighted companies’ return on investment.

The career framework provides HR with the foundation for talent management activities such as learning and development, selection and promotion, succession management and career mobility, and performance and reward management. It is the platform for workforce planning and analytics, and can make the difference in attracting, retaining, and motivating today’s talent.

This is at odds with the 70% of companies who report confidence in filling their critical roles internally. More needs to be done to help employees recognize the compelling career paths that exist within their own organizations.



say one of their top challenges (multiple choice) is increasing mobility while decreasing internal recruitment costs; 50% in Canada.


say benchmarking rewards; 47% in Canada.


say accelerating talent strategies to execute business objectives; 59% in Canada.

To combat these and other talent challenges, 50% of organizations worldwide currently use career frameworks in whole or part. In Canada, while only 34% of respondents use a career framework, an additional 47% plan to implement one. 


A career framework is a strategic centerpiece that touches on all workforce initiatives, clearly outlines the job architecture, and creates a pipeline that helps organizations attract, develop, and promote the right talent.

For a global perspective on how effectively companies are utilizing career frameworks, updating their systems, engaging the right talent, mitigating talent loss, and much more, download the Report today. 

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