
Employee health and wellbeing rocketed up the corporate agenda in 2020. The crisis not only heightened the focus on workforce health, safety and wellbeing; it also created a unique opportunity for HR and benefits professionals to reinvent how health and wellbeing plans are designed and delivered.


Not surprisingly, 64% of Canadian employers plan to add benefits to address mental or emotional health issues this year according to Mercer’s Global Talent Trends 2020-2021 study. They are also taking it one-step further to create a safe working environment.


We firmly believe that the health and resilience of your business is tied to the health and resilience of your people.


Join our next webinar on April 26 at 13:00 EDT where we will give insights on:


  • Re-humanizing the workplace
  • Sustainable approaches to mental health
  • Effective communication to navigate the transition forward
  • Defining the art of the possible with flexibility
  • Inclusive benefits for your diverse workforce