2017 Global Talent Trends - North America

  • RECORDED: 16 March 2017



    Recent geopolitical tensions, technological disruption and new-style employment patterns are dramatically changing the world of work. What are organizations doing to adapt, and more importantly, prepare for the future?

    In this year’s Global Talent Trends Study, Mercer has gathered input from Senior Executives, HR, and Employees from over 5,000 companies worldwide on their priorities in this shifting landscape.

    Join us to explore the research findings, hear recommendations from Mercer experts, and learn how best-in-class organizations are responding. Mercer experts around the world will cover the main emerging trends seen globally and comment on them from their regional perspectives.

    2017 Global Talent Trends - Register today for a webcast in your region:


    UK/Europe - 9 March, 2 pm (UK time)  – Replay
    North America - 16 March, 1 pm (EST) – Replay
    Asia and the Pacific - 23 March, 2 pm (HK/Singapore time) – Replay
    LATAM – Portuguese - 5 April, 11 am (Brasilia) – Replay


    HR professionals, C-suite/executives and other business leaders.


    Kate Bravery, Partner, Career Global Practices Leader
    Mary Ann Sardone, Workforce Rewards Practice Leader (Atlanta)
    Dan Rubin, Central Market Business Leader (Chicago)
    Rhonda Newman, North American Leader of Communication Practice (Dallas)
    Antonio Poglianich, Partner, Communication practice co-leader for North America (New York)
    Gordon Frost, Partner and Career practice Leader in Canada (Montreal)


    Register for Mercer's "2017 Global Talent Trends Study Webcast - North America"
    Date: March 16, 2017
    Time:  1:00 PM - 2:00 PM  EST

Webinar Contact
  • For further information regarding this webcast please contact:
  • Mercer Webcast Team
  • @Mercer Webcast Team

2017 Global Talent Trends webcast in other regions:

  • UK/Europe - 9 March, 2 pm (UK time) – Learn More 
  • Asia and the Pacific - 23 March, 2 pm (HK/Singapore time) – Learn More
  • LATAM – Spanish - 29 March, 9 am (Mexico city time) – Learn More
  • LATAM – Portuguese - 5 April, 11 am (Brasilia) – Learn More