Creating a Culture of Engagement That Drives Performance


Over 70% of the global workforce is either not fully engaged or actively disengaged at work, per a recent poll by Mercer | Sirota. In fact, only about 1 in 3 employees report strong feelings of pride, commitment, and energy related to their workplace.


However, evidence suggests organizations that achieve high levels of employee engagement have higher levels of customer satisfaction, profit, safety, and other important business outcomes. CEOs and senior leaders across the world cite it as one of their top challenges, resulting in companies pouring millions of dollars annually into engagement programs.


Given that a key driver of an employee’s engagement is the behavior and practices of their immediate boss, engaging leaders are the first step to create engaged employees. 


The bottom line is that engaged employees are better workers and engaging leaders encourage employee engagement through the environment they create.


Leadership personality and values contribute to the overall organizational culture. However, despite the evidence of a strong link between the personality of the leader and employee engagement levels, the vast majority of organizations fail to make this connection when it comes to taking action on their engagement survey results.


Helping leaders understand how their personality impacts the energy and productivity they get from their team is the first step in helping the organization create a more engaged workforce – starting from the core: the leader-employee dynamic.




Companies with highly engaged workforces show higher returns on assets, are more profitable, and demonstrate nearly twice the value to their shareholders, compared to companies characterized by low employee engagement. Research clearly shows that possessing an engaged workforce could mean the difference between a profitable organization and failure.


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