Improving Employee Retirement Incomes and Employer Outcomes


Improving Employee Retirement Incomes and Employer Outcomes


The yin and yang of defined contribution plans. For employers, defined contribution retirement plans represent freedom from financial volatility, traditional pension risk, market volatility, and long-term financial uncertainty; however, they also impose new risks and responsibilities on the employer. For employees, defined contributions offer individual control, greater flexibility, and, in an ideal world, access to institutionally priced investments.

Making Retirement Savings Work

Few organizations have Mercer’s deep experience in designing and implementing defined contribution savings plans. Our global and local knowledge and market intelligence help you create a bespoke plan that meets your desired outcomes and enhance tour employee value proposition.


How Mercer Can Help

Mercer can help design, implement, and manage customized defined contribution plans for employees based in the Middle East or your mobile workforce. We align organizational objectives with workforce demographics and employee expectations to identify how employers can help improve retirement or savings outcomes for their employees while meeting workforce management needs.


Making retirement work

Few organizations have Mercer’s deep experience in developing defined contribution plans. Our global and local knowledge help you develop a plan that  is creating your desired outcomes and can sustain your members over time.


If you’d like more information on how to make sure your plan is founded on sound business principles, please contact us.

We’re here to help

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