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53% of organizations are identifying new skills needed for their post-COVID operations





  • Identifying current bench strength and skills gaps
  • Working to restructure jobs around automation
  • Prioritizing learning and development spend
  • Offering flexible careers across the organization



Is your organization ready to advance skills-based practices?


Take this diagnostic to assess the maturity of skills structures and reskilling processes in your organization. Identify areas of opportunities and get tips on next steps instantly!


Connect with our experts to find out more

With transformation an everyday reality, the opportunities around skills-based talent practices are unprecedented. Without accelerating progress on their skills agenda, organizations won’t have the talent to take advantage of emerging new jobs. Leading companies are re-inventing their talent and reward programs around skills.


  • Career development/pathing

    Enable employees’ ownership of their careers through skill mapping and adjacencies, which shine a light on actionable career paths

  • Talent acquisition

    Select candidates based on skills, using AI-driven skill inferences and simple digital assessment tools to improve the quality of the process and the candidate experience

  • Performance management

    Know that agile environments require rapid, multi-sourced performance feedback and assessment, so skill proficiency and development activities are even more critical

  • Strategic workforce planning

    Apply internal and external supply and demand skills research data and devise plan to close skills gap

  • Skills assessment

    Measure skills and capabilities objectively for talent acquisition, development, succession or a broader people strategy, based on your skill framework

  • Reskilling

    Conduct rapid reskilling, targeted by robust assessment capability, without laborious current state analysis

  • Pay-for-skills

    Invest in future skills and reinvent pay programs with AI-driven pay decisions based on skill demand, supply and criticality

  • Succession planning

    Ensure succession pools are informed by individual skills to expand potential talent pipelines and avoid job structures that may limit diversity

  • Internal talent marketplace

    Deploy talent to gigs, projects, experiences based on skills supply and demand, promoting internal mobility and diversity of thinking and experiences across the organization