One-stop benefits standardization for multinationals

Pan Africa Insurers providing benefits across +40 countries

Centralized risk pooling providing incremental cost reduction

Contracted network of healthcare providers in country

According to Mercer’s 2020 Global Talent Trends Survey, employee wellbeing are the cornerstones of an energized workforce and at the top of employers’ list of workforce concerns.


Mercer’s Pan African Health Solution can help you to provide your employees with affordable, accessible and high quality healthcare solutions. 


A Benefits Strategy For Your Employees’ Needs Using A Single Pan African Insurer


Standardized benefits across 

multiple countries in Africa


Mercer as the sole benefits



A single 

insurance provider


In-country compliance, 

administration, customer service and

healthcare providers network

Mercer Pan Africa Solution. We’ve Got You Covered!


Pan African Insurers


In-Country Health Insurers


International Health Insurers


Self-Insured Company Specific





A trusted healthcare advisor across Africa.


>185 MNCs


insurance premiums

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