Understanding Employee Costs Is Critical To Delivering Growth Strategies

The culture of our workforce is going through an important and notable transformation; people are working in non-traditional environments, hours are flexible, hierarchy is fluid, and the value of investment is being prioritized over the return on investment. As companies continue to stay innovative — while scaling rapidly, it is now more important than ever for HR to be a partner in strategy execution.

With the accelerated growth and the amount of M&A activity in the tech industry, managing and understanding employee costs across countries has become increasingly complex for companies as they continue to expand. Understanding total employee costs is one of the biggest challenges many companies face as they are required to sort through increasing amounts of data from a myriad of sources, in order to try and formulate a comprehensive view.

Mercer’s Total Employment Cost Dashboard is unique in its comprehensiveness, flexibility and customizability, analytical ease and understandability.

Mercer’s Total Employment Cost Dashboard was created out of the necessity to bridge the gap between employers and employees. Whether a client is looking to reduce costs, prepare for an annual budget, or analyze numbers for a new location strategy, knowing employee costs is critical to driving big decisions and delivering growth to clients.

Mercer’s Total Employment Cost Dashboard offers a transparent view of the components for discretionary and mandated benefits and compensation programs around the world. It can also show where the total compensation and benefit spend is going, and provide visibility to where the individual costs are highest.

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