Mergers and Acquisitions
M&A Readiness Podcast Series: The Importance of Human Resource Management and Technology in M&A Deals
  1. HR Functions Strategy and Operating Model: This is based on understanding and defining what your HR function is going to do, and how it’s going to do it.
  2. HR Technology: The need for new technology, or a technology integration strategy, may be clear from the outset. While payroll may be the most urgent factor, it’s certainly not the only one. Recruiting, onboarding, and employee self-service are all important to the new company’s “Day One” readiness.
  3. HR Talent: Who is going to run HR for the new company? This can be a complex question. A merger of equals may need to rethink the HR capabilities required for the newly combined function, while a spin-off may mean a total absence of an HR leader or staff.

How much time do companies going through a transaction need to select and implement a new HR technology vendor?

“In a non-M&A environment, a traditional vendor assessment selection may take three to six months or even more”. “But with the compressed timeframes of today’s market, we utilize a rapid methodology approach.” That fast-track approach, which relies on the expertise of subject matter experts, can suit timeframes as compressed as four to five weeks, plus an additional two to three weeks for contracting with the vendor.

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