When vision meets disruption


Gender Equality

What’s stopping us from creating a more inclusive, gender-equal working world?

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Transformational investment

Discover how the world’s largest, most sophisticated institutional investors are applying innovative investment strategies.

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Redesigning Retirement

Reimagine work and retirement in the 100-year life during this workshop addressing an important social issue on a grand scale.

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Building a brighter and more sustainable future for everyone — this is stakeholder capitalism at its core. But how do we create this future when significant social, economic and environmental challenges threaten our progress?


By changing our mindset and behaviors.


By collaborating to find new answers to persistent problems.


By using insight and empathy to maximize our impact — to do what’s better for our people, our communities and our world.


In January, Mercer hosted three cutting-edge events at the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos. Keep reading to learn more about the disruptive strategies that are creating more sustainable futures.




Getting real about gender equality


On January 21, Mercer sponsored its sixth annual When Women Thrive breakfast in Davos — where our panel of global leaders engaged in a candid conversation on the systemic barriers to gender parity in the workplace, and how best to overcome them. These role models and advocates — female and male — gave us hope and inspiration as they shared their personal advice and insights on how their organizations are confronting and working on dismantling those barriers. We also previewed the forthcoming results of Mercer’s 2020 When Women Thrive research.


Breakfast attendance has more than doubled in participation since we began the dialogue in 2015 — a testament to the growing importance of gender equity as a business imperative as we enter this next decade.


Click below to see highlights from the event as well as opportunities to engage in the conversation.


The future of gender equality is getting brighter. Be part of it.



Innovative investors are taking action to address some of the world’s greatest risks.

On January 21, Rich Nuzum, President of Mercer’s Investments & Retirement business, and our special guest panel engaged in a candid conversation on how new opportunities for partnerships, co-investment and co-creation are transforming capitalism. Leaders from established sovereign wealth and pension funds globally discussed noteworthy, innovative examples of how they are investing, with operating business partners, to address major systemic global risks such as:


  1. Low and negative interest rates, and the associated need for investment in venture capital and other entrepreneurial ventures and innovation more generally;

  2. Populism with its associated threat to free trade and globalization, driven by concerns about income inequality and other perceived failings of global capitalism;

  3. Demographic challenges, including aging and migration;

  4. Climate change and the associated need for economic transformation; and

  5. Water scarcity.


Click below to read content to see how you can apply innovative investment strategies to address long-term risks facing the economy, society and the planet.







Redesigning retirement for longer working lives

January 23, 2020


Those born today will likely live close to 100 years, and the way they will live will be much different than today. From staying healthy and productive in older age, to reinventing careers multiple times and re-imagining what retirement means, lives will be completely reshaped. Now more than ever we need to examine not just how to live, but how to live long and well.


To help harness the power of longevity, we hosted a unique event at this year’s World Economic Forum Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Mercer President and CEO Martine Ferland along with Yvonne Sonsino, Global Co-Leader of Mercer’s Next Stage platform, looked at how to reimagine work and retirement in the 100-year life. This was a novel workshop, filled with energy and collaboration, that addressed an important social issue on a grand scale. You can read more in Martine’s blog and engage in the conversation here.


If you would like to learn more about our approach to the employment-related implications of longevity and supporting financial security in later life, check out Mercer’s Next Stage platform.  



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