Accelerated growth hinges on investing in human capital 


Given that under 30% of C-suite executives globally believe that they responded well to the Covid-19 pandemic and continue to experiment, lack of business resilience and agility is one of the top concerns in 2022.


In Mercer’s 2022 Global Talent Trends Survey, business leaders indicated that skills shortage (global: 63%; South Africa: 62%), absenteeism (global: 59%; South Africa: 64%) loss of talent (global: 58%; South Africa: 70%), managing a cross-border workforce (global: 57%; South Africa: 66%) and digital exhaustion (global: 67%; South Africa: 62%) are some of the workforce challenges impacting their organisations.

Workforce challenges impacting organisations in 2022 Global  South Africa 
  • Difficulty hiring the right talent, at the right price, quickly enough 
63%  62% 
  • High employee sick/absence rates impacting productivity 
 59% 64% 
  • Digital exhaustion and remote worker fatigue
59%  62% 
  • Loss of talent due to pandemic or unrest 
58%  70% 
  • Managing a more cross-border workforce (given increase in remote working) 
57%  66% 
  • Lower than desired employee engagement at certain levels (e.g., stagnation, coasting) 
56%  57%
  • Exodus of talent from cities or business hubs 
54% 62%
  • Loss of executive talent
 53% 62%
  • Costs for employees who work beyond retirement age (e.g., retirement plan contributions, health issues, etc.)
53%  60%
  • Lack of timely retirement/movement in senior roles 
52%  68%
  • High performers taking early retirement 
51%  51%

Source: Mercer 2022 Global Talent Trends 



Investing in human capital

 Workforce investments that will deliver best ROI in 2022  Global  South Africa 
  • Designing talent processes   around skills (hiring, learning,   succession) 
31%  49% 
  • Improving our workforce   planning to better inform   buy/build/borrow talent   strategies 
31%  47% 
  • Delivering on total well-being strategies (mental, social, physical and financial) 
 33% 45% 
  • Investing in workforce upskilling/reskilling 
36%  43% 
  • Rethinking compensation plans 
27%  42% 
  • Addressing pay, gender and other equity gaps 
24%  42% 

HR leaders across Africa agree – investing in upskilling/reskilling will give their companies the competitive advantage (HR priorities in 2022). 

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