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75% of companies in South Africa have continued or stepped up the pace towards ESG yet 20% is embedding ESG metrics into executive scorecard.

- Mercer 2021 Global Talent Trends

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Sustainability and environmental social governance (ESG) have long been associated with the world of investments and pension funds. However, COVID-19 has highlighted the depth and disparity of the pandemic’s impact on social challenges around health and safety, equality, technology, skills and so forth. As these emerging risks reshape the future, business leaders are mulling over:


  • How do I monitor health and safety of employees, customers, contractors, suppliers, and the general public?
  • How do I ensure that my business has scalability and flexibility to navigate the next crises?
  • How do I ensure there are no human rights violations in my business operations?
  • What is my process for community and other stakeholder engagement?


To this end, leading companies adopt a multi-stakeholder approach with ESG practices embedded in their business models.