The economic impact of COVID-19 accelerated many organizations’ plans to redesign their businesses to ensure they were even more resilient in the face of economic uncertainties.


The need to ensure business sustainability has kept employers’ focus on using cost optimization to drive efficiencies — through reorganization; reconfiguring health, financial and talent agendas; and reshaping portfolios via acquisition and divestment. As companies move beyond initial cost reductions, preserving as many jobs as possible, they must clarify their priorities, continue to invest in their people and address gaps between workforce supply and demand to plan for the future. They will also need effective strategies for managing their costs without compromising employee engagement or morale.


For many organizations, the pause in operations prompted by COVID-19 and the mass remote-working experiment has forced a long-overdue review of structures and work practices. Even before the pandemic, 98% of executives planned to redesign their organizations to make them fit for tomorrow. In the pandemic’s aftermath, leading companies view the disruption as a chance to overhaul how work is done, where value is created and how that value is delivered to customers.


Organizational redesign can deliver efficiencies of scale and enable employers to harness value in new ways. Doing this well requires companies to design more-agile organizations and ways of working. Given changing value drivers, how can companies redesign for enhanced execution? What role can digital transformation play as a catalyst for work design? And how can organizations reinvent rewards to embed agility?

62% of companies say the pandemic will have a negative financial impact on their business this year compared to the previous year.

Three ways to drive business optimization

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