COVID-19 has tested our ability to flex how and where we work. Employers’ next challenge is to design and implement flexible working strategies inclusive of all employees at all life stages, harnessing the many different forms flexibility can take.  


Many employers say they will increase flexible working at a grander scale than before the coronavirus pandemic to deliver value — such as sustained engagement, productivity increases and greater access to expanded talent pools. One in three companies — compared to one in 30 previously — anticipate making half or more of their workforce remote following COVID-19. Still, engaging a blended workforce with differing employee experiences will be challenging to managers and teams. It will affect everything from hiring to learning and development and performance management.


Leading companies are combining the best of the pre-COVID era (personalization, global outreach, outcome-led actions) with the remote, flexible and digital models that are redefining work today, rethinking how different jobs can flex and how to offer their people more life-stage flexibility. They are innovating and creating solutions that recognize people’s financial, health and career aspirations. Flexibility for all is the new shape of work. Explore what’s possible, desirable and sustainable.


Most companies said reinventing for flexibility is driving their transformation agenda in 2021


Three ways to get started on flexible working

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