Before the COVID-19 outbreak, less than a quarter of the workforce worked remotely on a regular basis. To respond to the immediate need to support an increasing number of remote workers, many companies have relied on their existing technology infrastructure.


But organizations will need to do a lot more to create a truly digital work experience for their employees that will work for the longer term.


Employee expectations are changing, requiring employers to transform how benefits are delivered. Two in five workers say they are “much less likely” or “less likely” to leave the company if their employer promotes or sponsors digital health solutions, for example.


Employers should explore new technologies that enable connectivity and collaboration in this changing working environment. They should also focus on building employees’ digital capabilities. Employers should consider — and this is just as crucial — how HR can accelerate its own transformation. HR teams must design employee experiences fit for a flexible and digital working environment. It means shifting from designing experiences in advance to creating them in real-time.


Understand how you can create a digital front door to health and benefits offerings and increase digital collaboration. Learn how to jump-start your HR function to improve its efficiency while reducing transactional volume, freeing up staff to reinvent HR as a new reality takes shape.



Three ways to kick-start digital transformation and collaboration

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