Staying a step ahead requires rethinking how the workforce must adapt to achieve future business success. Strategic workforce planning connects people’s capabilities to future strategy. It allows a business to identify its projected future-critical skills and pinpoint its supply of, and demand for, those skills under multiple business scenarios. Sensing with science and having a strategic vision are key. 


Before the pandemic, two in five HR leaders acknowledged that they didn’t know what skills they had in their workforce. Those employers that lack the knowledge and data associated with workforce skills are quickly working to build it. Meanwhile, leading companies are expanding their talent and learning ecosystems and exploring ways to move talent around their organizations based on skills.


Adopting a skills-based approach to reinventing for flexibility enables companies to address questions such as:

  • How do we know what skills we have today, and how can we use those skills to our advantage?
  • How can we develop the skills we need for the future while delivering today?
  • How can we formulate our pay for skills philosophy and accurately value skills?  
  • How do we prioritize our learning and development spend?
  • How can we speed up and improve our HR processes for a more flexible working world?


45% of HR leaders plan to improve their analytics capabilities to support strategic workforce planning in the next 12 months


Three ways to start building an agile workforce

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