Workforce Strategy & Analytics
Strategic Workforce Planning

Strategic Workforce Planning is a systematic, disciplined process for identifying and addressing gaps between current and projected future workforce requirements. It provides a rational business basis for prioritizing, developing, and funding talent practices that support business objectives, while mitigating HR practice risk.

Can Your Organization Thrive Without The Right Talent?

Employers need highly skilled employees to thrive, now and in the future. A weak pipeline or hidden talent issues can shake your organization’s very foundation before anyone has realized there might be a problem.

Organizations are good at identifying and mitigating most business risk. Yet, when it comes to finding the right workforce today – and forecasting for tomorrow – many companies are at a loss.

Shifting demographics, globalization and technology are changing the available talent pool and altering the traditional employer-employee relationship. The changes are profound for all industries – especially for those that rely on experienced, highly skilled employees.

Mercer’s systematic approach for strategic workforce planning:

  • Forecasts risks
  • Finds the right balance of quantity, quality and location of critical talent
  • Pinpoints internal supply of and demand for critical skills and roles under multiple business scenarios
  • Identifies and address critical gaps between current workforce resources and future needs
  • Finds actionable solutions

What Sets Us Apart: Strategy, Analytics and Technology


You will get a clear, actionable, strategic plan — unique to your  organization — for building a workforce to meet current and future business needs


In addition, Mercer’s comprehensive approach helps organizations clearly and measurably link human capital programs and policies to business results.


Our Workforce Planning application, part of the Mercer Analytics technology platform, helps clients successfully launch, run, and optimize strategic workforce planning programs around the world.

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