Research Boutiques
The needs of institutional investors are global, complex and quickly changing

The institutional asset management industry is poised for fundamental change. The needs of institutional investors are global, complex, quickly changing and influenced by market events that call into question tried and tested investment practices.

At Mercer, we employ more than 2,200 investment professionals who understand the complexity and local nuances of the markets and client segments we serve. We believe access to forward-looking research that spans the diversity of the global economy is critical, both in driving innovation and in capturing economic value from innovation. Our clients rely on us to identify global innovations that can address their local needs to impact outcomes. 

"​​Mercer pursues a two-pronged approach to working with clients – we use both manager research and investment consulting experience to arrive at optimal solutions for clients."

Our dedicated asset class specialists support this work across a broad range of clients and asset classes from traditional core products to more esoteric absolute return strategies. Our research includes liquid alternatives, multi-asset, currency, and both public (listed) and private (unlisted) real estate. Our private market research undertaken by MPM includes Private Equity, Private Debt and Infrastructure. Our intellectual capital is housed on MercerInsight®, our platform for institutional investors and investment managers to gain access to insights and analytics.

Bond Boutique

  • 270 searches conducted in 2017, placing $32 billion globally
  • More than 6,900  bond strategies and 142  bond product categories

Equity Boutique

  • 376 searches conducted in 2017, placing $24 billion globally
  • More than 13,000  equity strategies and 170 equity product categories

Hedge Fund / Multi-Asset Boutique

  • 142 searches conducted in 2017, placing $7 billion globally
  • More than 6,700 hedge fund/multi-asset strategies and 65 hedge fund/multi-asset product categories

Real Estate Boutique

  • 55 searches conducted in 2017, placing $3 billion globally
  • More than 2,200 real estate strategies and 47 real estate product categories

Mercer Private Markets

  • 150 searches conducted in 2017, placing $4 billion globally
  • More than 2,900 private markets and infrastructure strategies and 46 private markets and infrastructure product categories

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